
The Leibler Family Legacy


פורמט: כריכה קשה

מספר עמודים: 446

מידות: 24x16

מועד הוצאה לאור: יוני 2024

מק"ט: 0002 קטגוריה: תגית:

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This account traces the Leibler family across five centuries and four continents. Starting in Eastern Europe in the 15th century, we follow the family to Antwerp, New York, Australia, and Israel.

The family history is interwoven with national events, among them early modern edicts permitting the residence of Jews in Polish cities, the Napoleonic wars, WWI, and the devastation of the Jewish community in WWII.

Including original documents, handwritten letters, and family photographs, this family history encapsulates the determination of the Leibler family to not only survive but to thrive.

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